Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday December 10, 2008 WINNER

Coming home from work. Its not that late so drinking shouldn't have been the problem.

How about plain not being aware of those around you?

I turned north on John from Main and pulled up to the red at King beside a big black truck sort of thing. The light changed and I pull ahead of him in my lane. He catches up and then starts to pull into my lane when he's beside and a little ahead of me. I thought at first I was mistaken, but no he continues to come. I had to really lay on the horn PLUS brake hard, while pulling to the right as far as I could, and he still didn't react right away. It seemed like forever and even when he did register that I was there he didn't pull back fast. By now I have stopped because I could see he wanted to turn at King William. So he waits. And waits. And waits. Finally I blinked the lights to let him go. That's when he had his 'DUH' moment.

I guess the fact that he waited was a good sign. Maybe he learned something. Anyway first part of the license plate was BENF.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Haven't forgotten

I have not been out driving much lately so I have probably missed a few.

I did go into Burlington yesterday. First off I'm going along York Blvd heading for the 403 into Burlington. Speed limit is 50 and that's what I was doing. I get people all over my bumper and passing me. The worst one was the courtesy van from Image Honda, that as he passed me and pulled back in front of me, decided to teach me a lesson by pulling in a little too soon and close to my front bumper. This was at about 11:00 am, Tuesday December 2, 2008. Not a good representation of a company.

Told you I wouldn't pull any punches.

Then I am driving along Plains Road past TWO schools where there are flashing lights that mean the limit is 40 kph. I set the cruise control because its hard to go that slowly. People passing me like I'm sitting still both on my way to my destination at 11:15 am and on my way back at 11:45 am.

Too many to get license plates but a lot of them were youngish people, probably with kids of their own from the look of them.